Meet Dr. Fernanda García

Meet Dr. Fernanda Garcia

For almost 20 years, Fernanda Garcia DDS has worked in the area of dental aesthetics. She graduated from the Autonomous University of Baja California in the year 2000, continuing with diplomas in Endodontics and dental aesthetics. Growing up, her primary interest was correcting her teeth. While having braces was a problem for most teenagers, she embraced it. She was curious and interested to see how her smile was improving over time.

To date, Dr. Garcia works in her private practice with specialists such as periodontist, endodontist and maxillofacial surgeon in the tourist city of Los Algodones, B.C. Each year this city receives more than 3000 people in search of dental treatment and a bit of Mexican culture. Patients from Canada, the United States Center and border cities opt for the services of Dr. Garcia in search of the perfect smile.

The calm environment, decoration and patient treatment create a comfortable and relaxing experience for her patients. “Comfort and convenience are the hallmarks of my practice” – Dr. Fernanda Garcia.

“I like working in the functional area of dentistry, especially in occlusion and aesthetics. The idea is for patients to feel satisfied with their smile, project security and in a way, help improve their self-esteem since our smile is an important part of our personality and our health.”
– Dr. Fernanda Garcia.

Family, cooking and taking care of her German shepherd, Romina, help Dr. Garcia maintain a good and healthy balance between life at home and her work.